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Christmas on the Fjord

Christmas on the Fjord - Ebook Small.jpg

Book 1.5 in The Nordic Fae Series​


Christmas has arrived in Skolvik, and the village looks festive with its decorations and twinkly lights, the smell of cookies and frost permeating the air. While life should be a winter wonderland for Lennie as she settles into her new role in Norway, Espen and Øyvin are ready to test some of her new powers: she needs to master miraging her new demi-fae ears in four days time.


With trouble finding Lennie at every turn, what could possibly go wrong?




Christmas on the Fjord is a bridge novella (book 1.5 in The Nordic Fae Series) and should be read AFTER The Fae of the Fjord to avoid spoilers. It is highly recommended to read this before book 2 in The Nordic Fae Series, too.

Content Warning: On page sex, alcohol use.

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